Room 89

Our focus in Maths this week is Symmentry

Last week we explored what we know about "Movement".

 How do windmills work?

How do wheels  and axles work?

Our focus for Te Reo Maori in the next couple of weeks is identifying how we feel and saying it in a sentence.

We have also been learning the days, months and seasons of the year.

The day after the Fire Officers came to visit us, we had been at school 111 days. Room 89 soon commented that this was the number we have to call when we need to 
call for a fire engine.

Fabulous Fire Friday!!!!

100 Days of Learning in Room 89!!

 100 dots for our Gumball Machine

100 Snacks 
Can we eat them all? 

We tried really really hard to stay quiet for 100 seconds.

Looking forward to seeing you on Monday!
Look at the different spaces that we have in the classroom.

At last....we got to make the bird seed muffins.

The Ingredients

I wonder if you can find them around the school grounds?


Have you heard your kids talking 
about book shopping? 

Each child in Room 89 has a bag with their photo on it. They are kept in house boxes. When they need new material, they can change their books from the boxes of books in our classroom.

We are wanting to build up "Stamina" in there reading skills.

For them to be successful readers and building up stamina, they need to learn to...

  • Read the whole time
  • Stay in one spot
  • Read quietly
  • Start straight away 

This week in Art we have been looking at how 
we can create 'Texture' with different materials.

We have been learning about different types of graphs.

Staglands was so much fun!!

This term we are only using the 
Primary colours to do our art work.

The ball got stuck in the tree! 

What can we do? 

We made a plan as a group and stuck it to the tree. Then we made our own plans. 
Jacks plan is to cut the tree down to get the ball! 
Hayden thinks we should ring his dad cause he's in the army! 
Madison thinks we should get a big ladder.

Our Rubbish Challenge

First we looked at all our rubbish for one day

Then we sorted them into the different types 
of rubbish using hoops. 
This display is in our room.

We are sorting our rubbish every day 
and comparing the amounts

The challenge now is to reduce our landfill waste!

 Welcome to Sam. 
He is the newest member of Room 89. 
He likes to share his learning with us!

Our Self-Portraits 
Room 89 Class Photo

Our Symmetrical Portraits

Fancy Feet Friday

 Our Chikka Chikka Boom Boom Trees

Room 89's Favourite Alphabet Song

Welcome to Room 89

Zoe Baillie and Hilary Burrows


  1. Heidi and I just had a great time singing the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom song:)

  2. Wow you have been very busy this term! I really like the book shopping idea and the colourful fish are fantastic. Charlie also enjoys visits from a certain 'tucan'.
